The ACLU of Florida staff is dedicated to the protection of our guaranteed Constitutional rights. Their work ensures that the ACLU of Florida can effectively carry out its mission. They are assisted by the efforts and dedication of a significant number of passionate interns and volunteers, and financially supported by thousands of ACLU members throughout the state.
Executive Department
Bacardi Jackson - Executive Director
Fatima A. Cuevas - Chief Operating Officer
Sabrina Williams - Chief of Staff
Communications Department
Gaby Guadalupe - Director of Communications
Keisha Mulfort - Senior Communications Strategist
Shane Donglasan - Graphic Designer
Joey Francilus - Digital Strategist
Daniel Oliveras de Ita - Digital Storyteller
Development Department
Kenneth Gelok - Director of Philanthropy
Courtney Hodges Jones - Senior Major Gifts Officer
Ashleigh Cantu - Individual Gifts Officer
Erica Henschel - Major Gifts Officer
Jessi Jackson Smith - Development & Grant Writer
Field Department
Krsha Sendon - Field Director
Katherine Perriel - Senior Statewide Organizer
Rebecca Berger - Data Analyst
Madeline Bowman - Field Organizer
Dariel Gomez - Field Organizer
Josh Kaufman - Field Organizer
Finance and Administration Department
Gary Sample - Chief Financial Officer
Janette Del Angel - Senior Accounting Manager
Ana Smith - Office Manager
Legal Department
Daniel Tilley - Legal Director
Jerry Edwards - Staff Attorney
Amy Godshall - Legal Fellow
Amien Kacou - Staff Attorney
Carrie McNamara - Staff Attorney
Michelle Morton - Staff Attorney
Samantha Past - Staff Attorney
Nick Warren - Staff Attorney
Policy and Advocacy
Sara Latshaw - Deputy Political Director
Kara Gross - Legislative Director and Senior Policy Counsel
Abdelilah Skhir - Senior Strategist
Alexis Yohros - Senior Research and Data Analyst