What is your experience living in America right now?

Our partners at PBS American Portrait are creating a real-time, multimedia, self-made portrait of America. This month, to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, American Portrait is looking for short videos and photos about the experience of Latinx people in America. And, ahead of Election Day, the project is collecting and sharing submissions about what voting means to you. Explore the American Portrait website, and click “Share a Story” to add your voice to this historic project.


  1. Visit PBS American Portrait.
  2. Choose one of the 16 prompts on the website. Suggested prompt: “At this point in my life…” or “My American Dream…”
  3. Create a 20-60 second self-recorded video answering the prompt. There’s no need to introduce yourself on video, simply start recording with your selected prompt and then get right into your answer. OR, submit a photo or just a plain text story!
  4. Upload to the website - this will require you to register your email. Feel free to check out: 60 second How-To-Upload Video.
  5. You will receive a link to your story once you have uploaded it to the site. Feel free to share your story to your social media pages and nominate a friend or family member whose answer you’d like to see (related to your topic or another topic)!